If you would like to help towards to the restoration, please send your donation
to the address below or use can use the bank account transfer details.
to the address below or use can use the bank account transfer details.
Why not send us a cheque, made payable to:
"NetSE Projects Account" Address: Chris Osman, 100 Whitley Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 8ND |
HSBC, 94 Terminus Road, Eastbourne. BN21 3ND
Account Name: Network SouthEast Railway Society Projects Account Account No: 32158760 Sort Code: 40 - 20 - 06 |
Any donation will be very much appreciated !!!
Page last revised : Thursday 26th July 2018 at 15:06
A Network SouthEast Railway Society & National Railway Museum venture.